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showit website templates
for service providers & creatives

shop our first collection

Celebrate the launch of our shop with 20% off all custom single-page websites  (regular price: $850). 

$195.00 USD

for med spa professionals

$195.00 USD

$195.00 USD

our fool-proof website templates help you put a lock on intentional aesthetics and ATTRACTING YOUR DREAM CLIENTELE.

for hair salons/stylists

for educators & mentors

a budget-friendly alternative for small businesses

"the luxe spa"

"the elite stylist"

"the mentor"

explore the collections

$250.00 USD

$395.00 USD

$395.00 USD

our fool-proof website templates help you put a lock on intentional aesthetics and clients.

a budget-friendly alternative for small businesses

explore the collections

$195.00 usd

"the luxe spa"

for med spa professionals

"the elite stylist"

for hair salons/stylists

"the mentor"

for educators/mentors

and they're not just "pretty" to look at.

we made sure our templates look good, but also help you lock in clients.

copywriting & design prompts.

Of course we want your business to have the best chances of success, so we've featured ChatGPT-powered copywriting and Pexels imagery to provide an example of how WE would market a brand.

We decided to skip generic templates for now and create more niche website templates for the industries we love. Each template is designed with YOUR specific industry in mind.


to the poinT.

No one wants to scroll through a 10 canvas long sales page. We keep our templates short, sweet and to the point to avoid overwhelming you and your clients.

shop now

001 | full CUSTOM website

A 5-page custom website designed to your business needs. Each custom website is created from scratch to make your website unique to your business. A custom website can also integrate a mini-shop powered through Shopify, email marketing and booking platform.

002 | single-page website

A single-page website is perfect for business owners needing an aesthetic landing page for their clients to review their services, book and contact them. This single-page website can also act as a sales page for a product or simply a starter website that can be converted into a full website at a later date.

003 | cutomize a template

Don't have the time to go in and customize your new website template? We get it and we're happy to go in and do it for you. Fill out our contact form below prior to purchasing a template. 

get in touch

give me the details

give me the details

explore our custom website packages

A 5-page custom website designed to your business needs. Each custom website is created from scratch to make your website unique to your business. A custom website can also integrate a mini-shop powered through Shopify, email marketing and booking platform.


In a matter of seconds, your audience has already formed their initial opinion about your brand. our goal is to strategically help you achieve a favorable first impression, using those first pivotal moments to
your advantage.

002. single-page website 

003. LEARN WIth lavender

001. full CUSTOM website

landing page/sales page.

A single-page website is perfect for business owners needing an aesthetic landing page for their clients to review their services, book and contact them. This single-page website can also act as a sales page for a product or simply a starter website that can be converted into a full website at a later date.

In a matter of seconds, your audience has already formed their initial opinion about your brand. our goal is to strategically help you achieve a favorable first impression, using those first pivotal moments to
your advantage.


002. single-page website 

003. LEARN WIth lavender

001. full CUSTOM website

learn with lavendar

Upon high demand, we are now working on a
beginner web designer course for aspiring
web designers. 

In a matter of seconds, your audience has already formed their initial opinion about your brand. our goal is to strategically help you achieve a favorable first impression, using those first pivotal moments to
your advantage.

002. single-page website 

003. LEARN WIth lavender

001. full CUSTOM website


002. custom single-page website 

003. customize a template for me!

001. full CUSTOM website

prefer a custom experience instead?

explore our custom website packages.

Allow us to design a  5-page custom website designed to your business needs. Each custom website is created from scratch to make your website unique to your business. A custom website can also integrate a mini-shop powered through Shopify, email marketing and booking platform.

learn more

002. custom single-page website 

003. customize a template for me!

001. full CUSTOM website

001. full CUSTOM website

001. full CUSTOM website

001. full CUSTOM website

custom websites by lavender.

explore your options

In a matter of seconds, your audience has already formed their initial opinion about your brand. our goal is to strategically help you achieve a favorable first impression, using those first pivotal moments to
your advantage.

A single-page website is perfect for business owners needing an aesthetic landing page for their clients to review their services, book and contact them. This single-page website can also act as a sales page for a product or simply a starter website that can be converted into a full website at a later date.

learn more

002. custom single-page website 

003. customize a template for me!

001. full CUSTOM website

002. custom single-page website 

002. custom single-page website 

002. custom single-page website 

custom websites by lavender.

explore your options

In a matter of seconds, your audience has already formed their initial opinion about your brand. our goal is to strategically help you achieve a favorable first impression, using those first pivotal moments to
your advantage.

Don't have the time to go in and customize
your new website template? We get it and we're happy to go in and do it for you. Fill out our contact form below prior to purchasing a template. 

get in touch

002. custom single-page website 

003. customize a template for me!

001. full CUSTOM website

003. customize a template for me!

003. customize a template for me!

003. customize a template for me!

custom websites by lavender.

explore your options

the best part is.. we're just getting started. be the first to know about all our upcoming launches.


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